Anti-Phishing protection, including known malware and URL inspection, for Office 365 and Google Suite incoming and internal emails, as well as collaboration applications (OneDrive, Google Drive, Teams, Slack and more). 4-user protection for one year.
Get 1 year of protection for up to 4 users.. Need to cover more? Simply add more packages. Enjoy independent management and our annual support for your security policies and settings.
Affiliate Level Rewards
Unlock your potential by purchasing this product and advancing to the next level in the affiliate structure - Rank Prime. With each level, you'll access greater rewards and expand your influence across more tiers of the network. Start your journey to success today!
Affiliate Rewards Overview - Rank Prime:
Level 1: 25% (own sales)
Level 2: 3%
Level 3: 3%
Level 4: 3%
Level 5: 2%